Complex Leases and Contracts
If your contract isn't written precisely, it can lead to problems. And, the more items you want to accomplish with your agreement, the more complex it becomes, and the more loopholes that can eek their way in. Not to worry. Miller Troiano has the keen eye and plain-speaking bottom-line you need for smooth negotiations and transactions and unbreakable contracts, regardless of size.
We start by understanding your business and your goals. Then we anticipate potential problems so we can help you avoid litigation. For instance, what if a partner leaves? A hurricane stops your business operation? You want to expand but the empty lot owner next door doesn't want to sell? The list is endless, but Miller Troiano can keep you prepared.
With 50+ years of complex commercial transaction and contract experience, we'll handle all of your transaction needs quickly and cost-effectively (we hate spending money needlessly, too!). Instead, we save our clients thousands of dollars every year by meticulously preparing and reviewing every document to be signed or sent, with an eye to ensuring it can withstand litigation, no matter what. That's what makes a good contract, and you'll know you've got one when Miller Troiano provides it.
Dream On, Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs
Florida needs clear thinkers like you to keep our state moving forward. Miller Troiano will keep your legal i's dotted and every t crossed. Nobody does a better job at making complex legalities easy for clients to understand. And nobody is rooting harder for your success than us, as your lawyers.